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Scottish Seniors
Friday 03 May 2019 ·  1:15
In March, we had another successful dinner and prize-giving at Stirling Golf Club where we were entertained by our guest speaker Sandy Jones, and our own Jim McArthur, who delighted us all with his brand of humour.

A special mention to past captain Gordon Doig for his rendering of his Ode to the Southerness 7 who won the home Internationals last year. A copy of his remarks can be viewed by clicking on link below.


Jonathan Campbell and Doug Hall were at the dinner representing our principle sponsors McCrea Financial Services, Independent Financial Advisers, primarily based in Glasgow. McCreas’ this year are supporting us for the fourth successive year as sponsors and will be updating us from time to time about some of the specialist advice they provide, particularly around pensions, retirement planning, tax and inheritance tax planning. If you would like to get in contact with them, please call them on 0141 572 1340 or by emailing them at and let them know you are coming to them via SSGS.

Jonathan is pictured below presenting the Order of Merit Trophy, sponsored by McCrea Financial Services, to 2018 Order of Merit Champion, Ronnie Clark, Erskine Golf Club.

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